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Do Backpackers live in symbiosis with nature? Yes, hugely. They leave their upbringing to follow the Routes. Settle down and forage. Holds together without a chieftain. Constitutes a breed. Live together in harmony with goals in mind for the journey itself. You’re out to meet with others. Finally, away from mom and dad.
Many Backpackers must grab a lot of things between childhood and study or artisan training. Travel two and two, to have one to plan with, take care of each other, share experiences with, etc. Right now, mobile phones can’t be ignored, but it will probably go over? The Phone has now (almost) made the Camera obsolete! Your phone can translate, so talking to your taxi driver is becoming easy.
Backpackers make our nation strong. Not only by ripening but more valuable by understanding “ONE World” Find space in self-determination- and community mind,
very strong in a much-condensed manner. Language is tested and you learn how small you are! You can also be an environmental person, for free?
Migratory birds, as an example, storks that overfly the mountains of the Himalayas, Starlings, which in January fly at 100 m at a time in millions up through the date palms along the Euphrates- and Tigris rivers on their way to northern Europe.
Lever backpackere i symbiose med naturen? Ja, enormt. De forlader deres opdragelse for at følge ruterne. Læg dig ned og foder. Holder sammen uden en høvding. Udgør en race. Lev sammen i harmoni med mål i tankerne for selve rejsen. Du skal ude med andre. Endelig væk fra mor og far.
Mange backpackere skal få fat i en masse ting mellem barndom og studie eller håndværkertræning. Rejse to og to, for at have en at planlægge med, passe på hinanden, dele erfaringer med osv. Lige nu kan mobiltelefoner ikke ignoreres, men det vil sandsynligvis gå over? Telefonen har nu (næsten) gjort kameraet forældet! Din telefon kan oversætte, så det bliver let at tale med din taxachauffør.
Backpackers gør vores nation stærk. Ikke kun ved at modne, men mere værdifulde ved at forstå “EN VERDEN” Find plads i selvbestemmelses- og samfundssind,
meget stærk på en meget kondenseret måde. Sprog testes, og du lærer, hvor lille du er! Du kan også være en miljøperson gratis?
Migrationsfugle er som et eksempel storke, der flyver over bjergene i Himalaya, Starlings, der i januar flyver 100 m ad gangen i millioner op gennem datapalmene langs Eufrat- og Tigris-floderne på vej til Nordeuropa.