CHILE, SANTIAGO lovely days in South America

*Dansk version længere nede i teksten.Chile was a nice big and beautiful country. Santiago well among the World’s most beautiful capital and that for several reasons. Located up against the surrounding mountains. 120 KM in from the PACIFIC OCEAN, there is the port city of Valparaiso, which is reached through three stages plateaus and tunnels bringing one down to the large, Pacific Ocean. The city is open with wide roads and in the middle large square with elegance and large landscaped.

   We: me, Karen Kyed and Louise and Egon (DR2 TV team) arrived from various directions to a city with 13 victims of demonstrations a few weeks before. There had been a curfew and the citizens were and are furious. Against us smiling and friendly, but South America is in for being put on fire everywhere?

   Each of us found the backpacker Hotel HAPPY HOSTEL which then with all its good sides, became our home for 6 days. A large, old patrician’s house had everything. Tranquility and peace with outdoor space on the front house floors, garden rooms and at the bottom end of a big, tranquil garden bar, 1st-floor rooms and Pool. Louise reached, after three/four days of struggle for THAT everything should be authentic, 1/2 an hour pool and sun, before a long flight home. Three amazing recording sequences with Australia footage the hardest were plugged.

Now we all will see the results in mid-December? We, 40 guests did not take up much room at the time, and then got to know each other quickly. Permanent staff was nice and backpackers, with five hours service five days of the week, very participating after “working time”. Lots of BBQ with or without potatoes and. Argentinian beef marinated smelted on the tongue. Nice extreme cheap Chilewine, better than we get it in DK. Many empty bottles the morning thereafter but only slightly hangover.

Kindness Received:Camijo (Friend of Antonio at home) came and helped us to skip the bus ride along the Pacific Ocean to Lima (3,400 km) and then fly one day earlier for a total of three days in Lima. Nicko, so dynamics were there day and night. We united his and father’s disagreement about “revolution”, and RAUL drove us around and again to the airport. Nice and safe with having your own driver when missing the language (here Spanish). Klaus on bicycle South America along was nice to meet. We were three on six man’s living room with him (girls and boys). After hard days for me in the upper bunk,among others during TV recordings, it was nice to get the under the bunk. Karen was our third party having up to then dealtwith two German men. It’s usually nice togetherness in a hostel.

With TV team III I visited the port city, a much poorer population, but only a single one was complaining about our photography, and great pictures were taken in the surf from an ALWAYS lovely Pacific Ocean.

CHILE, SANTIAGO – Dejlige dage i sydamerika

Chile var og er et dejligt stort og smukt land. Santiago vel blandt Verdens smukkeste og det af flere grund. Beliggende op imod omkransende bjerge. 120 km inde fra SILLEHAVET. Der er havnebyen Valparaiso, som nås gennem tre etaper store daler og tunneller der bringer en ned til det store, STILLEHAV. Byen er åben med brede veje og i midten stor plads med elegance og stort anlagt.

   Vi ankom allevegne fra til en by med 13 ofre for demonstrationer et par uger før. Der havde været udgangsforbud og borgerne var og er rasende. Mod os smilende og venlige, men Sydamerika er vist ved at blive sat i brand overalt?

   Vi fandt backpackerhotellet HAPPY HOSTEL, som så med alle sine gode sider blev vores hjem i 6 dage. Et stort, gammelt patricierhus havde alt. Ro og fred med uderum på forhusets etager, haverum og nederst i en stor stille have bar, 1.sal rum og Pool. Louise, nåede efter tre /fire dages kamp for, at ALT skal være autentisk ½ times pool og sol, inden en lang flyvetur hjem. Tre fantastiske optegnelses sekvenser, med Australien optagelser som vel hårdeste, var sluttet. Nu ser vi alle resultaterne midt i december?

   Vi 40 skifte nsegæster fyldte ikke meget og mange lærte hinanden at kende hurtigt. Faste stab var søde og backpacker med fem timers tjeneste fem dage i ugen, meget deltagende efter ”arbejdstid”. Masser af grill med eller uden kartofler. Argentinsk oksekød marineret og smeltende på tungen. Dejlig Chile rødvin, bedre end vi får den i DK. Mange tomme flasker morgenen efter men kun let tømmermænd.

Venlighed modtaget:   Camijo” (ven af Antonio hjemme) kom og hjalp os med, at springe bustur langs STILLEHAV til Lima (3.400 km) over og så fly en dag før til i alt tre dage i Lima. Nicko’s dynamik var der dag og nat. Vi forenede hans og faderens uenighed om ”revolution”, og RAUL kørte os rundt og i lufthavn. Dejligt og trygt med egen chauffør, når man mangler sproget (her spansk).. Klaus på cykel Sydamerika på langs var rar at møde. Vi var tre på seksmandsstue med ham.

   Efter hårde dage for mig i overkøje bl.a. under TV-optagelser, var det rart at få underkøje. Karen var tredjemand og havde indtil da boet med to tyske men. Man har det oftest dejligt sammen på et hostel.

   Med TV hold besøgte jeg havnebyen, En meget fattigere befolkning, men kun en enkelt brokkede sig over vor fotografering, og der blev taget fantastiske billeder i brændingen fra et altid dejligt STILLEHAV.

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