Rachel. The leading lady of ”Society of Friends”.
As junior UN, we did not rally fall in line with all other nationalities. They where either old colonial or from younger, international UN countries such as S. Korea.
When we were ”snatched” on Solo Solo Beach to fall in with Rachel’s group ”Society of Friends”, our fate was determind. For the rest of our stay on the beautiful islands, we did our jobs at daytime five days a week and went ”wild” evert second night and in weekends.outside that.
The two years made us ”cosmopolitan”. Besides gaining professional competence, it was as one long Polynesian holiday, and the trips out going were via NY, California, Hawaii and homebound to Bangkok via Bali and later Nepal, India etc. And that opened our eyes to the grandeur of our Planet.
A young samoan village boy, Faletolu, made us familie with his Lofipo faimily in the very traditionel Polynesian village of Salamumu, and the Volentras made us well known in the small island of Manono.